To establish the fundamental rights, initiate and promote all dimensions of peace and progress related activities which are admitted by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
To protect the fundamental and justiciable rights of the citizen of Bangladesh specially of women, children, adolescent, old age people, deprived, under privileged, marginal, helpless and exploited people.
To promote causes of well-being of all deprived people including (but not limited to) eradication of the following multidimensional forms of poverty: income poverty; consumption poverty; poverty due to employment and unemployment; poverty due to in access to education; poverty due to in access to public health system; poverty due to lack of access to public services/servants; poverty due to inaccess to elected representatives; poverty as lack of shelter; poverty of female-headed households; poverty of landless and marginal farmers; poverty of slum dwellers and low income settlements; child poverty; poverty of older people; poverty of physical challenged people; poverty due to marginalization: informal sector, religious and ethnic(indigenous peoples) minorities, lower caste (dalits), low-end occupations, char-haor-baor etc.; poverty among `monga’ people; poverty due to lack of transparency; poverty due to lack of participation in policy making; and poverty of excluded people.
To promote production and reproduction of knowledge including science and technology accelerating peace and progress.
To promote all efforts towards eradication of social and economic inequality and social injustice.
To assist people who are affected by various types of violence and conflicts.
To assist people who are internally displaced, refugees (of all types) including international refugees.
To assist people affected due to changes of climate, environmental hazards and degradation, natural calamities including efforts towards disaster preparedness, management and post disaster relief.
To uphold the dignity of freedom fighters by ensuring their due respect in the society, as well as to uphold the historical sprit of 1971 War of Liberation.
To establish and promote quality human development institutions (formal and non-formal) like school, college and universities, vocational training centre, hospitals, medical college, health technology college, nursing school, healthcare centers, modern ambulance service, hostels and dormitories, health education institutions, training and research institutes, diagnostic centers, and other human development organizations and institutions which would help human capital formation in the country in general especially people at the bottom of the pyramid with focus on women, widow, children, old-aged, disadvantaged, physically and mentally challenged.
To undertake programmes and activities that can improve education, health, nutrition, and overall well-being of the common people.
To support activities for improved health facilities of the people with provision of health care support to the pregnant women, vaccination of the new born babies, neonatal health, treat preventable blindness, thalasemia, asthma, and alike.
To develop consciousness andknowledge of mass people about the value of good health, ill consequences of various diseases, reproductive health, nutrition, environment, climate change, Arsenic, salinity in drinking water, epidemic- diseases, AIDS, HIV, and other public health concerns including communicable and non-communicable diseases.
To initiate awareness program for resisting accident-in-transport and provide suggestions for anti accident safe transport system including promotion of treatment facilities for people-in-accident.
To promote and provide health and educational insurance systems and facilities.
To publish and circulate periodicals, journal(s), book(s), posters newsletter(s), pamphlet(s) and other article(s), reports, information, and electronic communication about activities of the other matters of interest to researchers and others concerned in the field in congruence with the vision and mission of the foundation.
To affiliate with the Education Boards, University, National University, University Grant Commission and other bodies as may be required to run educational institutions.
To introduce scholarships, stipends and other relevant forms of incentives for students at all levels of education, with special emphasis on economically insolvent, socially, disadvantaged, and physically or mentally challenged.
To establish, manage, and promote hostels for the students, baby home and day care centers for children, rehabilitation centers for physically challenged children and old home for aged persons.
To provide legal aid to the poor, helpless, and marginalized people.
To establish and protect human rights of all ethnic and religious minorities including low-end low-wage occupational groups.
To arrange and/or provide funding support and relevant assistance towards research and dissemination activities promoting innovation, human progress and peace.
To arrange and/or provide support towards human capital formation including human and physical infrastructure accelerating peace and progress.
To support promotion of agrarian-land-aquarian reform and other reform endeavors accelerating peace and progress.
To promote employment opportunities – both formal and informal – including self-employment.
To undertake programmes and raise voice supporting the right cause for women empowerment, gender equality and equity, climate and environment, water and sanitation issues, and fight all types of violence against women, children and old aged, and combat all forms of terrorism and violence jointly with the government, national and international organizations.
To promote all efforts towards improved local governance and local government institutions promoting peace and progress.
To promote efforts towards recognition of individual persons and institutions in various fields having outstanding and long lasting contributions impacting peace, progress, innovation, and nation building.
To organize conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums, and lectures on various human development issues for interested persons and to arrange exchange of their views and opinions with the grassroots level.
To organize and promote discussion, debate and dialogues promoting humane development, peace and progress.
To co-operate with Government and Non-government Organizations in the country and/or abroad to create awareness among the beneficiaries and the practitioners involving in various areas of peace and progress.
To affiliate with academic and research institutions, both foreign and local, and work jointly towards humane development.
To raise funds and resources – both financial and non-financial – from various financial and non-financial institutions, and from other relevant foundations and individuals for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Foundation. In case of foreign donations, gifts etc. the provisions of the prevailing foreign donation regulation shall be complied with.
To ensure, execute and establish all kinds of international human rights declarations including universal declarations of human rights which have been adopted by our Constitution.
To do any lawful things and establish any other centers or take any such steps that may be considered necessary in order to fulfill the above objectives and the greater interest of the foundation.